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At the Agm last year I agreed to continue until September while a new Chair was found. This never happened and in line with the constitution this year having completed a three year term I am obliged to resign. Highlights for this year included successfully hosting the Corn Cairdis, continued development of the pitch, successful trips to International matches the training of all our volunteers in child protection and the success of the U17B team!!

I would like to thank all those who assisted me in my time as Chair past committee members, Liam with the pitch, sponsors especially Hire2K and Supervalue, Managers, League officials and Referees parents and finally the players themselves.

Declan Bannon, Paul Logan, Pauline Fitzpatrick and myself are again resigning from the committee this year( It’s a bit like the Hotel California – you can check out anytime you like but you can never leave) . Long standing Manager and stalwart of the club in so many ways, Eoin Mac Elhinney also finishes up this year. We thank him for his service and wish him many happy laps as turn his concentration to running. Committee members going forward again are Val Lawlor, Oliver McKenna,Ursula Hill, Shane McLoughlin and Ed Connolly.

We offer sympathy to members of the club who were bereaved this year including the family of the late Gerry Lynch who spent many early morning s pitch side down the years.

This community club provides a very important function in our community. It brings pleasure, fitness and a sense of community at a very important time in our young people’s lives. Volunteers do their best to keep the show on the road with limited resources and support. Most of all this club is about fun. During my time here that is what I will remember most. I will continue to be involved with the U18’s and will be available for advice and guidance to the incoming committee but after 10 years involved in the committee it is now time for me to pass the baton on. I wish the club continued success.

Colum Foley 10/6/2015